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Project Updates
Project Plan: To restore 3 hectares of historical wetland that has been adversely affected through the scouring out of the dam face. This is partly due to the original dam having an inadequate design. The existing dam will be stripped back and correctly keyed, to comply with best practice guidelines outlined by Waikato Regional Council. […]
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The Te Toke project area was degraded land on the banks of the Waikato River which was used for rubbish dumping, had multiple weed issues and was relatively inaccessible. The area also has sites of cultural significance to Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa. This project has involved three stages of restoration with work focused on weed control, […]
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The Trustees of the Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancment trust recently took the opportunity to visit projects which it has contributed funding to over the last few years. The day included visits to Lake Maratoto (off SH3 near Ohaupo). Paul Smith from Waikato Regional Council met us on site and discussed the progress of protection of […]
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Since 2006 the Lower Mangapiko Streamcare Group has been bringing together landowners, businesses, schools and volunteers to focus on restoring the natural environment along the Lower Mangapiko Stream. The group aims to link Pirongia with Maungatautari through a fully restored ecological corridor and they are achieving this through fencing a riparian corridor, removing willow growth […]
WCEET Editor in Project Updates |
Conservation Volunteers New Zealand worked at Lake Maratoto from 6th September 2010 until 24th September 2010 to complete the planting of approximately 5215 native plants. These plants were paid for with funding from WCEET and primarily included flax, karamu, cabbage tree, manuka and coprosma. Wet weather made transporting plants to the site difficult but over […]
WCEET Editor in Project Updates |
Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game in association with the Department of Conservation have since 2006 conducted a number of wetland restoration and creation projects around the margins of Lake Waikare. These works have been designed to restore create and enhance wetlands on highly modified public conservation land, often in areas which had previously been drained and […]
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“The Willow Pond” located on the Upper Waikato River, right bank adjoining Vaile Road has been renamed Hucks Wetlands after Mike Hucks a keen game bird hunter and advocate who passed away in 2008. In 2006 The Wildflowlers Association was successful in securing a grant from the Waikato Ecological Enhancement Trust to restore water levels […]
WCEET Editor in Project Updates |
Fish and Game are currently overseeing an ambitious project to construct a new 24 ha wetland at Ohaaki on the Waikato River. It has been predicted by the year 2030, subsidence, as a result of geothermal abstraction by the Ohaaki Power Station, will be sufficient for the entire site to be covered by water from […]
WCEET Editor in Project Updates |
In 2008 WCEET confirmed part funding of NIWA’s fish passage project to install spoiler baffles in a 68 m long culvert under River Road, Hamilton to facilitate the passage of fish into Bankwood Stream. This supplements previous work where a fish ramp was installed for the overhanging culvert. The project is now complete and is […]
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In May 2009 a WCEET funded workshop of New Zealand experts was held to consider the feasibility (including possible designs) of pest fish barriers for installation at Waikato lowland lakes –with a particular view to testing a trial design at the outlet of the Lake Serpentine (Rotopiko) complex. Nutrients, sedimentation and the presence of pest […]
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