Waikato RiverCare – WCEET Sponsored Projects Update

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Since 2010, Waikato RiverCare has used the funding from WCEET for site preparations, plantings and maintenance of all Waikato RiverCare’s project sites including pest control and native plant releasing.

Two new river bank sites were planted this year – at Rangiriri C and the Huntly Golf Course. These plantings totalled 2.2km in length and an area of 2 hectares.

Some infill planting was carried out at Churchill East Road A, Gedyes, Rangiriri B and Te Kokiriri A and B sites and five new sites were prepared for planting.

Volunteer groups have played a big part in Waikato RiverCare’s planting days. Some of the volunteer groups were from:

  • Te Wharekura O Takaumangamanga
  • Watercare Services
  • Bank of New Zealand
  • Runanga O Kirikiriroa

The group also continues to work with Ngaruawahia Primary School St Pauls and this year students planted another 400 native trees on the river bank at Ngaruawahia.

Despite some delays due to flooding on the Waikato River, fencing at Taupiri B site has been completed and planting is due to take place this spring.

These photos are from the Huntly College Planting: