Project Update on Stuart Eyre Wetland Restoration
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Project Plan:
To restore 3 hectares of historical wetland that has been adversely affected through the scouring out of the dam face. This is partly due to the original dam having an inadequate design. The existing dam will be stripped back and correctly keyed, to comply with best practice guidelines outlined by Waikato Regional Council. Prior to earthworks being conducted, the areas will be comprehensively sprayed in order to control glyceria and willow encroachment. The area will encompass 1 hectare of open water habitat with a good mixture of upland nesting and overhead cover at the remainder of the site. The fencing regime will also exclude stock from an approximate 1 hectare of mixed Kahikatea and Totara forest.
This project is complete. The area will continue to receive follow up spraying and some further planting once the glyceria has been dealt with. It may be necessary to bring the digger back to the site to mechanically remove large clumps of floating glyceria beds as they rot and break apart. Further infill planting will also be conducted as and where required.
Landowner Feedback:
Since construction of our wetland we have fenced and planted the area, set traps for rats and stoats and now have ducks and swan breeding, numbers are not bit yet but its early days and they will come. We had an issue with weeds (floating glyceria) which we have sprayed with a chopper, this has been good but I suspect we will need to do a follow up.
Photo 1: Main open water area, sprayed glyceria has now been remove. Further spraying to continue control will be conducted this summer.
Photo 2: Looking at newly fenced wetland margin towards remnant kahikatea stand. Natural regeneration of carex and juncus species is already occurring with increased water table.